#VarUSERINFO ---+++ USERINFO{"WikiName"} -- retrieve details about a user * Syntax: =%<nop>USERINFO%= * Expands to: <code>%USERINFO%</code> (comma-separated list of the username, wikiusername, and emails) * With formatted output, using tokens =$emails=, =$username=, =$wikiname=, =$wikiusername=, and =$groups=: * Example: =%<nop>USERINFO{ format="$username is really $wikiname" }%= * Expands to: =%USERINFO{ format="$username is really !$wikiname" }%= * Retrieve information about another user: * Example: =%<nop>USERINFO{ "TWikiGuest" format="$username is really $wikiname" }%= * Expands to: <code>%USERINFO{ "TWikiGuest" format="$username is really !$wikiname" }%</code> * __Note:__ The parameter should be the wikiname of a user. You can only get information about another user if the ={AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails}= configuration option is not enabled, or if you are an admin. %IF{"{AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails}" then=" _(User details are hidden in this TWiki)_ "}% * Related: [[#VarUSERNAME][USERNAME]], [[#VarWIKINAME][WIKINAME]], [[#VarWIKIUSERNAME][WIKIUSERNAME]], TWikiUserAuthentication, ChangeEmailAddress
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Topic revision: r2 - 2007-02-04 - TWikiContributor
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