MAKETEXT -- creates text using TWiki's I18N infrastructure
- Syntax:
%MAKETEXT{"string" args="..."}
- Supported parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default |
"text" or string="text" | The text to be displayed. | none |
args="param1, param2" | a comma-separated list of arguments to be interpolated in the string, replacing the [_N] placeholders in it. | none |
- Examples:
expands to
%MAKETEXT{"If you have any questions, please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
expands to
If you have any questions, please contact
%MAKETEXT{"Did you want to [[[_1]][reset [_2]'s password]]?" args="%TWIKIWEB%.ResetPassword,%WIKIUSERNAME%"}%
expands to
Did you want to reset Main.TWikiGuest's password?
- Notes:
- TWiki will translate the
to the current user's language only if it has such string in its translation table for that language.
- Amperstands (
) followed by one letter (one of a...z, A...Z) (say, X
) in the translatable string will be translated to <span class='twikiAccessKey'>X</span>
. This is used to implement access keys. If you want to write an actual amperstand that stays just before a letter, write two consecutive amperstands (&&
): they will be transformed in just one.
- translatable string starting with underscores (
) are reserved. You cannot use translatable phrases starting with an underscore.
- Make sure that the translatable string is constant. Specially, do not include
inside the translatable strings (since they will get expanded before the %MAKETEXT{...}%
itself is handled).
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TWikiVariables > VarMAKETEXT
Topic revision: r2 - 2006-10-16 - TWikiContributor