Difference: LargeSite (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32017-01-23 - TWikiContributor

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Managing a Large Site

There is no limitation with the number of webs and users a TWiki site can have.

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 To minimize TWiki admins intervention, you can make webs autonomous following the instruction on AutonomousWebs. This does not decrease the number of questions from web owners, but TWiki admins can hand off web administrative responsibility to the web owner that way.

Self-service web creation


Self-service web creation/deletion/rename

Usually, only TWikiAdminGroup members can create new webs, which may generate a good amount of TWiki admin work. By properly implementing canCreateWeb() of the user mapping handler your TWiki installation use, you can make web creation self-service.
Usually, only TWikiAdminGroup members can create/delete/rename top level webs, which may generate a good amount of TWiki admin work. By properly implementing canCreateWeb($cUID, $web) and canRenameWeb($cUID, $oldWeb, $newWeb) of the user mapping handler your TWiki installation use, you can make top level web creation/deletion/rename self-service.
  Assuming your TWiki configuration requires web metadata when a new web is created, if you make web creation self-service, you need to make it possible to create metadata of a new web in MetadataRepository.
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